sabato 20 febbraio 2016

Simple .... poor cooking kitchen

                                                                                                           Simple .... poor cooking kitchen              

I remember when I was a child there was not much food in the houses, and you had a particular attention to the waste, particularly the emphasis is on the food because our parents, who had lived through the war knew hunger, and then grew more reference to those who had nothing to eat, my grandmother used to say: out of respect for those who have nothing to eat is a sin to waste food .Now there is a great waste and it's not easy to change the rules we are now in a difficult global system to change. It should change the way we think and make a living to meet the basic needs devoting time to reflection observation of whether the people we love to play read write and draw with our children. And all that was advancing was recycled, the bread was used for many recipes pappa al pomodoro, bread dumplings of bread soaked in milk pie with the addition of eggs and cheese put in the oven to make the crust .Cucina simple ... .. poor food ..........

venerdì 19 febbraio 2016

Cucina semplice....cucina povera

Cucina semplice....cucina povera

Ricordo che quando ero bambina non c’era molto cibo nelle case, e si aveva una particolare attenzione allo spreco ,soprattutto si dava molta importanza al cibo perché i nostri genitori ,che avevano vissuto la guerra conoscevano la fame , e poi si faceva sempre riferimento a chi non aveva da mangiare, mia nonna diceva : per rispetto di chi non ha nulla da mangiare è peccato sprecare il cibo .Ora c’è un grande spreco e non è facile cambiare le regole ormai siamo in un sistema globale difficile da modificare. Dovrebbe cambiare il modo di pensare e fare una vita per  soddisfare i bisogni primari dedicando il tempo alla riflessione all’osservazione del se alle persone che amiamo a giocare leggere scrivere e disegnare con i nostri bambini. E tutto ciò che avanzava veniva riciclato  ,il pane si usava per molte ricette la pappa al pomodoro ,gnocchi di pane tortino di pane bagnato nel latte con l’aggiunta di uova  e formaggio messo al forno per fare la crosticina .Cucina semplice… cucina povera ……….

sabato 13 febbraio 2016

La Cucina in Toscana di Assunta : RED FOR VALENTINE'S DAY RED FOR THE PRESENTATION O... Cucina in Toscana di Assunta
 Weekend di piaceri in Toscana  ,San Valentino fra buon cibo grandi vini e bagni termali ... per chi si vuole bene per chi sa apprezzare l...


Weekend di piaceri in Toscana  ,San Valentino fra buon cibo grandi vini e bagni termali ...
per chi si vuole bene per chi sa apprezzare le cose belle della vita ...................

martedì 9 febbraio 2016


domenica 7 febbraio 2016

Ribollita .....flavors of the past

Wonderful itineraries to find peace and tranquility to regenerate cultural enrichment of discovering medieval villages, small pearls where every corner offers us some surprises, small churches that guard valuable works of art, restaurants offering traditional foods, shops where you practice crafts of yesteryear, you have the feeling of living in another time where those atmospheres, those genuine flavors and these authentic perfumes can be breathed ancora.Nel heart of clay countryside of the Crete Senesi, suggestive stage Buonconvento is surrounded by medieval walls, Buonconvento it is a town built entirely of brick, on the ruins of the castle Percenna, but has always existed as a meeting point of business and commerce, thanks to the passage of the busy Via Francigena. Not far away, a stunning location is Cetona, one of the Etruscan villages of Val di Chiana, and is going for its small paved streets, between palaces and Renaissance squares, which can carry in a timeless dimension. And again, San Casciano dei Bagni, always in the Terre di Siena, with its spa, the castle and the medieval towers.
A dish of the ancient recipes of the poor peasant cuisine.
Ready to bake ...... ..The soup of bread.
Flavors of the past always pleasant to taste, it is important to use fresh produce and respecting seasonal taste it .Click earns a good soup of fresh vegetables and cook over a part of the dried beans soaked the night before, at the end of cooking, add to the soup vegetable the cooked beans with a bit of its water, let it simmer a bit more to thicken
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